Fixed Data-Set List View Page

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Fixed Data-Set List View Page

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Fixed  Data-Set List View page allows the user to display all the data in the form of a list. It is a table view in which user enters data manually. It is used only when the data is limited and not fetched from the database.

Create a new Fixed data-set List View page


Step 1: Click on "New" from the menu to create a new Page.




Step 2: Enter name of the page in "Set Page Title" section and select the Fixed data-set List View  page.




Step 3: Drag and drop it on the "App Title Folder" onto the tree and click OK to open the page.




Step 4: Fixed data-set List View Page opens up as below and its "Properties Palette window" opens up as shown in next step.




Step 5: Set up the  "Properties Palette window" as required.


mobilous_appexe_npe_myproject_fixeddatasetlistview_properties mobilous_appexe_npe_myproject_fixeddatasetlistview_properties2   FreeLayout_Property_Function









App and Doc Buttons opens Page Document Editor. Click here to know more.

Title/Display Text

Enter the page title. The page title must be unique in the application.


Select the page location. Page location defines the location of the page either bundle or remote.


"Bundle":  When this option is selected the page being built will reside in the Mobile device, any changes to this page subsequent through AppExe will only take effect in the Mobile application previously installed once it is published, released, submitted, downloaded again and reinstalled/updated by the Mobile App End User. It is best to set this option if the information on this page is most likely not going to change. Eg: Business Contact Information, Business Info/Profile, etc


"Remote":  When this option is selected the page being built will reside in the Mobile device but will call the data from the Remote Cloud, any changes to this page subsequent through AppExe will only take effect in the Mobile application previously installed once it is published and released again. The Mobile App End User will have to close the app and re-open it and the changes will appear. It is best to set this option if the information on this page is most likely going to change frequently. Eg: Notice board, Intranets, Event Information, etc.


Background Color

Select the background color using color picker. It will be white by default.

Status Bar



Hide Status Bar

Select this option to hide the Status Bar.

Navigation Bar



Bar Style

Set the Navigation Bar style of the page.

Hide Navigation Bar

Select this option to hide Navigation Bar.


User can set the Navigation Bar Title as the text desired to be displayed.

Prompt Text

User can add a prompt text to the Navigation bar shown on top of the title of the Navigation Bar.

Left Button Type

User can set the properties for left button. Click here to know more

Right Button Type

User can set the properties for right button. Click here to know more.

Table View base



Table Style

Select the Table Style. It can be "Plain" or "Grouped". To know more about this Click here.

Cell style

Select the Cell Style. It can be "Default", "Subtitle", "Right Aligned", "Contact Form" or "Custom". To know more about this Click here.

Table Group




User can set header text for the cell. The header will not be displayed if it is blank.


User can add a new row by clicking on "Add" button and delete a row by clicking on "Del" button.


User can set Footer text for the cell. The Footer will not be displayed if it is blank.

Table Cell

User can edit the each cell on this editor. There are some cell styles which has different types of style. See following links for more detail.




4.Right Aligned

5.Contact Form




Hide ToolBar

Select this option to hide ToolBar(Top).


User can set the Height of the ToolBar.

Background Color

User can set Background Color of the ToolBar.

UI elements

UI elements can be added in the ToolBar by Clicking on Edit(0) Button.




Hide ToolBar  

Select this option to hide ToolBar(Bottom).


User can set the Height of the ToolBar.

Background Color

User can set Background Color of the ToolBar.

UI elements

UI elements can be added in the ToolBar by Clicking on Edit(0) Button.





Select this option to hide SideBar.


User can select SideBar View as 

FreeLayout : This View has fixed height which is the height of the page and fixed width.

FreeScroll: This View allows user to set height more than the page height, ScrollBar appears in this view.

Table View: This View allows user to create a Record View in the SideBar.

Background Color

User can set Background Color of the SideBar.

UI elements

UI elements can be added in the SideBar by Clicking on Edit(0) Button.

Tab Bar



Hide tab Bar

Select this option to hide Tab Bar.

Icon Title

User can set Tab Bar  icon Title. We strongly recommend user to set the title of maximum 8 characters.

Icon Image

User can set Icon Image of the tab bar.


1. Only png image is supported in the Icon Image of Tab Bar Property.

2. iOS can only handle Black and White png images.

3. The icon image should be less than 30X30 pixels.




Functions act as trigger to launch the actions when a particular task is performed. To know more about Functions click here.

Before View Page

Event is triggered when a page navigation is complete but page is not loaded yet.

After View Page

Event is triggered when all UI parts are loaded and page is displayed.