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This action will allow the user to update the record of the designated table in the local database. To update the data, the user must have a table in Local DB.To know more about adding a table click here.


Step1: Open a Free Layout Page.

a. Drag and drop two Label UI parts and set Title/Display Text  as "Name" and "Phone No."

b. Drag and drop two TextField UI parts to enter values for "Name" and "Phone No."

c. Drag and drop two RoundButtons UI parts and set Title/Display Text as "Update" and "Show Record".

d. Browse to the "Functions" section on "Properties Palette window" of RoundButton for applying actions.

e. Click on the corresponding Edit(0) button of the Function on which the user wants to apply action. To know more about the Functions click here.



i) Also Add a DB ListView page as a child page to view data updated to the table. For more information click here.

ii) Apply Page Transition to child page on "Show Record" Button on "Page1". For more information click here.


mobilous_appexe_npe_myproject_Actions_RemoteDBcontrol_remoteupdate_page mobilous_appexe_npe_myproject_Actions_roundbutton_edit


Step 2: Click on "Add" button on the Actions window to add an action. To know more about actions click here.




Step 3: Select the Actions category as “Local DB Control”.




Step 4: Click on the "Local DB Control" and then click on “Update” action.



Click here to know about "Doc" Button.


Step 5: Enter Action Parameters:-





Select Table Name For e.g "contact".


Enter the where parameter only if the user wants to update a specific record. The syntax of where condition is same as SQL i.e Columnname='data'. Column name is the name of the table field from the database and data is any entry which is mentioned in that field of database.

For e.g  contact_name = 'alpha'.


Note: Please note that the user can use variables or TextField name within square brackets also. (For e.g: Columnname = '[TextField1]' )

Click here for more Examples.


Define the Record. Click on Add to add table field name. To know more about the record click here.


Name of the field of the table in the Local DB For e.g "contact_name" , "phone_no".


Name given to the TextField UI part on the page from where value has to be fetched, in square brackets. e.g "[TextField1]","[TextField2]".





Step 6: Click on "OK" button if the user doesn't want to add more actions.




Note: Define condition if required, by clicking on "+" Condition Button on the left. Click here to know more.


Step 7: Preview to see the output.

 i) Insert data as explained in Insert section. Click here. View old data on the record page.

 ii) Enter new Name and Phone No. as shown below. Click on "Update" button. Click on "Show Record" to see the data Updated.

 iii) Record page displays the new data Updated.



mobilous_appexe_npe_myproject_Actions_localDBcontrol_update_output2   mobilous_appexe_npe_myproject_Actions_localDBcontrol_update_output3   mobilous_appexe_npe_myproject_Actions_localDBcontrol_update_output4



Click here to Create a List View Page, Free Layout Page and Transfer and Display the Data on the Free Layout Page.