Q & A

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Q & A

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Q & A Page allows users to create a Fixed data-set Record view Page from the Template Editor. This page allows user to create a Question & Answer type Page.

A Customer Information form example is taken in the steps below.


Step 1: On the Template Page list, click on "+ Q & A" option for creating a Q & A Template Page.




Step 2: Window for Q & A page opens. Select "Template page hierarchy" for e.g "Root" Page from the project Application.








Allows user to enter Question as Text.

Answer Type

Allows user to select the desired Answer Type.


User can add the Candidate Values for certain Answer Types like Segment Button,Combo Box.

Template page title

Template page title displays the title of the Template Page.

Template page hierarchy

Allows user to set the Page hierarchy by selecting the Parent Page for the Page to be created.

Cell height

Allows user to set height of the Cell.

Right button

User can select the button as Insert or Update. Respective Button is added in the Right top corner on the Navigation Bar of the Page.


Step 3: Enter Question in the "Question" column and Select "Answer Type". Enter "Candidates" if Answer Type are "Segment" or "combo" types.




Step 4: User can add the required number of Questions with their answer types. Select Right Button option (Update or Insert) and click on "Save".




Step 5: Q & A Template Page is created.

