Google API Key for Localization

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Google API Key for Localization

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Google  API  Key is  the interface which is required for using Localization in Appexe. User need to have a Gmail account. To know more follow the steps below.


Step 1: Login to Gmail account. Click on . Following page opens showing Dashboard. User can click on Dropdown to open or create a Project.





Step 2: Select Project window opens. User can select any project from list below or Click on " NEW PROJECT" to create new project.






Step 3: Enter Project Name and click on "Create".





Step 4: The new project is added in the list below. Click on "Open" at the right bottom.




Step 5: The Dashboard page of the Project opens. User needs to go to APIs & Services.




Step 6: Click on APIs & Services , a sub menu appears. Click on "Credentials".




Step 7: Credentials window opens. Click on "Create Credentials".




Step 8: Click on "API Key" option from the drop down.




Step 9: "API key created" window opens. API key is displayed . User need to copy this API key , to be used in Appexe Console.


mobilous_appexe_console_applications_googleapilocalization_API Key



Step 10: Click on "Library"  after creating API key.


mobilous_appexe_console_applications_googleapilocalization_API KeyCreated



Step 11: User need to select "Cloud Translation API" for Localization.





Step 12: Cloud Transition API opens . Click on " Enable" to enable the API. User need to follow the billing process to enable API.








Step 13: Open Appexe Project . On Application Manager page, click on settings.





Step 14: Click on "Add Google API".




Step 15: Google API window opens in console.





Step 16: Enter the Google API Key created for Localization.


mobilous_appexe_console_applications_googleapilocalization_API Keyadd