Gadget Editor

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Gadget Editor

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Gadget Editor opens up in Resource Manager in User Console. Click here to generate below screen.





List of Properties:





Gadget Name

The Name defines the identity of the Gadget and can be used in the future to refer to it. This should be a unique name and should not be the same as any other UI part in the page being built.

Prefix Name

Prefix Name is the name used for referring the gadget UI in the Page Editor.

Gadget Category

Gadget Category allows user to create Gadgets of UI Parts type or Pop up Window type.

Main Object Name

Main Object Name is the UI Part whose Value can be accessed in the Page Editor. It is a mandatory property.


Value is used as Variable inside the Gadget.

Background Color

The Background color property allows user to set the background color of the UI Part by selecting the desired color from the color picker.

Background Image

The Background Image property allows the user to set the desired background image that the user would like to display on the Gadget.


The Hidden property if selected will hide the label UI on different runtimes or platforms.

Gadget Selector


Gadget Image

Gadget Image selected here is used as the Gadget Icon in Page Editor. It is a mandatory property.


1. Image name should not have any special character.

2. Image size should not exceed 44x44 pixels resolution.

3. Image should be png file.

Gadget Title

User need to select Gadget Title. Gadget Title appears in the Toolbox where Gadget is listed in Page Editor.

It is a mandatory property.

Gadget Description

User need to provide Gadget Description. This description appears in the ToolBox where Gadget is listed in Page Editor. It is a mandatory property.



Gadget Properties

Gadget Properties added here allows user to override the properties of the UIparts in the Page Editor while applying the Gadget, to Customize it.

Gadget Properties can be added by clicking on "Add" Button and can be deleted by clicking "Del" Button.

Object Name

Object Name is the drop down containing UI Parts in the Gadget. User can select the UI Part whose Property need to be overridden in Page Editor.


User can select the Property from the drop down.

Property Name

User can provide Property Name for reference.

Initial Value

User can set the Initial Value of the Property.


User can set Permission as

"RW" which allows user to edit the Property in the Page Editor.

"RO"  which does not allow user to edit the Property in the Page Editor.




Gadget Events

Gadget Events added here allows user to add new action in the Page Editor while applying the Gadget, to Customize it.

Gadget Events can be added by clicking on "Add" Button and can be deleted by clicking "Del" Button.

Object Name

Object Name is the drop down containing UI Parts in the Gadget. User can select the UI Part whose Event need to be added in Page Editor.

Object Event

User can select the Event from the drop down.

Event Name

Event Name is the name displayed for referring the event in Page Editor.

Gadget Geometry



Sets the Width of the Gadget on the page.


Sets the Height of the Gadget on the page.

Min Width

Displays the Min Width of the Gadget on the page.

Min Height

Displays the Min Height of the Gadget on the page.

Max Width

Displays the Max Width of the Gadget on the page.

Max Height

Displays the Max Height of the Gadget on the page.

Gadget Children Geometry




Sets the position of Gadget Children on the page horizontally.


Sets the position of Gadget Children on the page vertically.


Sets the width of Gadget Children on the page.


Sets the height of Gadget Children on the page.