Application Type

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Application Type

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User can select the type of their application, it can be Navi-based, Tab-based or View-based.

Navi-Based: In this type there is a bar at the top of the application to navigate from one page to another.

In Navi-based user can add only one root page and other as sub-pages. User can also add child of subpages in Navi-Based application. User can also change the type from navi-based to tab-based or view-based.

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Tab-Based: In this type of application there will be bar on both top and bottom of the page.

In Tab-based user can add as many root pages, subpages, sub-subpages as user wants or requires. Tab based can have more than one root page but navi-based and view-based can not.

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View-Based: In this type of application there will be no bar at all. User can use actions to navigate from one page to another.

In View-Based user can add one root page and other as sub-pages. User can also change the type from view-based to tab-based or navi-based.

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