Alternate Cell Style

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Alternate Cell Style

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Alternate Cell Styles property allows users to display different background colors or images in alternate Cells of a List view.


Alternate Background Color

Step 1: Create a List view page. Select the Alternate Cell Style property. Select Background Color#1 and Background Color#2 as shown in the image below.




Step 2: Preview the Page. the List View page appears with alternate Background color as set in the Page setting window.




Alternate Background Image:

Step 1: Create a List view page. Select the Alternate Cell Style property. Select Background Image#1 and Background Image#2 as shown in the image below.




Step 2: Preview the Page. the List View page appears with alternate Background images as set in the Page setting window.




BG Images Repeat:


If BG Images Repeat option is checked then the Background images appear as Tiled images.

