Update Record

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Update Record

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Step 1: Click  "Open" from the File Menu. Click on Record page and click "OK".




Step 2: Click on "Add" to add a Row to the Record Page on the Properties Palette window. Click on Edit(0) button corresponding to Cells , to Edit Cell.




Step 3: Drag and Drop RoundButton on the cell. Set Display Text as "Update". Click on Edit(0) button of the "Update" RoundButton corresponding to "on tap" function.




Step 4: Actions window open. Select "Remote DB Control" Actions Category, click on "Remote Update" Action.


Enter Action Parameters:




Service Name

Select Service Name as "Mobilous".


Select Table Name For e.g "emp".


User can also specify the where condition to filter the records.

The syntax of where condition is like "Fieldname='value'" which is a SQLite3's where syntax.

 Field Name:        Name of the database table field.

 Value:                Data from the table record.  For Example: id='7'


Define the Record. Click on Add to add table field name. To know more about the record click here.


Name of the field of the table in the Local DB For e.g "id" , "ename".


Name given to the TextField UI part on the page from where value has to be fetched, in square brackets. like "[TextField1]","[TextField2]". e.g "[id_text]", "[ename_text]", "[address_text]".





Step 5: Remote Update action is applied as shown in the image below. Click on the "+" Action Event Button on the right of the action to view the events.


mobilous_appexe_myproject_sbsg_cloudstorage_update_updateapply       mobilous_appexe_myproject_sbsg_cloudstorage_update_successapply    


Step 6: Select "Success" event and click on "Add" button at the bottom. Select "Page Transition" Actions Category, click on "Return To Previous Page" Action.




Step 7: Return to previous page Success action is applied as shown in first image. Click on "+" Action Event Button on the right of this action to add another Success action. The events under "Return to previous page" action is displayed as shown in second image.


mobilous_appexe_myproject_sbsg_cloudstorage_update_returnsuccess1     mobilous_appexe_myproject_sbsg_cloudstorage_update_returnsuccess2


Step 8: Select "Success" event and click on "Add" button at the bottom to add action. Select "Main Value" Actions Category, click on "Reload the Updated Data" Action.

Enter Action Parameters:




Table Page

Select the Target Page e.g "List" to get an updated list after updating record.





Step 9: "Reload Update Data" action is applied on the "Success" event. User can click on the "+" Button on the right of the "Success" event to view the actions applied.


mobilous_appexe_myproject_sbsg_cloudstorage_update_successadded     mobilous_appexe_myproject_sbsg_cloudstorage_update_apply